References to the characters.


Numerous written references from every era attest to the ancient origin of Tricio, before the Christian era. The oldest testimony given, the year 154 a. C., Apiano of Alexandria, naming the tritios with other tribes who opposed Roman rule. Ptolomeo, the Greek geographer of recognized authority, appointment, in the second century, to Tritium Megalon, a nickname given by the Roman conquerors that provides an idea of the importance that the town had at the time. Greatness also supported by numerous archeological findings of classical civilization, some of which includes the Father Anguiano in his Compendium of La Rioja history: remains of walls and a fortified tower, mosaics, columns, pottery and tombstones. Figure also the town in the Itinerary of Antoninus Augustus III century, as one of the crossing points on the road linking Zaragoza and Astorga. In the V century, Tricio neighbors appear as defenders of the Bishop of Calahorra Silvano against Pope Hilario. In the year 928, Queen Toda made a donation, documenting the deed, a property located in the village. Sancho el Mayor Tricio included in the list of people listed by Law of Nájera, definiéndole independent in this city. In 1073, King Sancho of Navarre ordered restore the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla, Tricio few palaces, donated by twenty-three years before Lopez Fortunez and his wife Ms. Mencia and usurped since by Sancho Garcés. Declared independent villa by King Felipe IV in 1658, later belonged to the domain of the Dukes of Nájera. Until the creation of the province of Logroño, by Royal Decree of November 30, 1833, belonged to the de Burgos. In Roman times it was a town called Tritium Nearer Spain Magallum (‘Tricio the Great’) and that time has many archaeological remains. On October 6, 1833 General Santos Ladrón Cegama proclaimed king Carlos V in Tricio, there by giving starts the First Carlist War.

Fernando de Tricio


Bishop of Orense and Salamanca who participated in the Council of Trent

Celedón Pardo y Agüero (1522-1637)


Doctor to Philip IV

Ignacio Marrón y Gómez de Helgueta


Naval engineer who directed the construction of the port of Cádiz

Francisco García Villasana


Jurist who wrote studies on issues such as bereavement, suicide or adultery

Mariano de la Paz Graells 81809-1898)


Physician, naturalist and professor, founder of the Academy of Sciences and director of the Botanical, author of a major work sore Iberian flora.

Augusto Ibáñez Sacristán (Títin III)


Pelotari, four times champion of Spain Couples (1994, 2000, 2004 and 2012) and once champion four and a half (2007)